Figuring Out Your Water Supply in Cochise County

When considering your water supply options in Cochise County, Arizona, you have several choices to meet your needs.

One option is drilling a well, which provides a reliable and independent water source. Wells offer the advantage of a continuous and abundant water supply, unaffected by weather conditions or seasonal variations.

Another option is rainwater catchment, which involves collecting and storing rainwater for various uses. While this method is environmentally friendly and cost-effective, it is dependent on rainfall patterns and may not provide a consistent water supply during extended dry periods. Storage capacity is hugely important when considering a rain catchment system in order to have a consistent supply of water throughout the entire year.

Lastly, hauling water, either by doing it yourself or subscribing to a hauling service, is an alternative for those who prefer not to invest in well drilling or rainwater catchment systems. Hauling water provides immediate access to water but comes with the ongoing cost and effort of transporting water to your property.

Ultimately, the choice of your water supply option depends on factors such as water availability, cost considerations, environmental impact, and personal preferences. We go into detail about all three of these options in the pages below.

Well Drilling in Cochise County

Rain Catchment in Cochise County

Hauling Water in Cochise County