Cochise County RU-4 Opt-Out Permit

The RU-4 “Opt-Out” permit (aka: “Owner Builder Amendment”) in Cochise County is one of the most attractive features of building an off-grid property in Cochise County.

90% of unincorporated land in Cochise County is zoned RU-4.

Why does this matter, and what does it mean?

The Opt-Out permit allows RU-4 land owners to build residential structures without costly government oversight and inspections using non-traditional building materials and methods to control their homes and property.

Want to live in an Earthship, container home, tiny home, cobb house, strawbale construction, or any other kind of building? Cochise county is the place for you.

You can also get a permit to live in an RV on your land while you build (which can be very difficult in other parts of the country and state). More than 25% of homes built in the county between 2015 and 2018 used the Opt-Out option.

RU-4 zoning indicates that there can only be one dwelling per 4 acres, or in other words, the parcels must be at least 4 acres in size. This keeps the area rural and uncongested.

The Opt-Out permit is the main reason people care about RU-4 Zoning.

To participate in the owner builder program, your property must be zoned one of the following:

  • RU (RU-4, RU-10, RU-18, or RU-36 only)
  • SM (SM-174, SM-10, SM-18, or SM-36 only)
  • SR (SR-174, SR-10, SR-18, or SR-36 only)

If you’re unsure how your property is zoned, use this interactive tool to help.

Owners are still required to obtain a septic system or alternative waste treatment permit even if their property is zoned for the “Opt-Out.” You may also be required to get a right-of-way permit if your property is accessed from a county road or a floodplain use permit if you plan to build a structure in a designated floodplain.

For more information, check out the official FAQ page on the Cochise County website.

Looking for the Perfect Plot of Land to do the Opt-Out? We recommend contacting a local realtor, particularly one who lives off-grid and understands the Opt-Out process!